
Surprises For The New Father

It always seems to amaze me that fathers only really get hit with the fact that they are "fathers" after your pregnancy has come to an end, with the joyous occasion of childbirth. It seems that this is because fathers generally do not play as active a role as mothers do in the pregnancy stage. After all, it is the women who carry the baby for nine months while it develops and grows. Either way, fathers soon come around to the fact that their lives are now forever changed, and some changes can be a very big surprise for even…

Soothe A Crying Baby

Helping Fathers Soothe A Crying Baby Soothe your crying baby Find the source of your babies pain. When your baby is crying uncontrollable, there is always a good reason for it. You need to find the source of that pain quickly, and solve the problem. Pinky Trick If you are uncertain as to what the problem may be, offer your pinky to your baby to suck on. Place your pinky, nail down, into your babies mouth. Just remember to clean your hands first, as there may be a good chance of causing infection if your finger isn't clean. Drink Since…

Rekindling The Romance

Rekindling the romance post pregnancy is often difficult, mainly because your partner has a new focus in her life that requires constant attention and love. Your partner may not feel sexy, she is going to be feeling tired and her energy levels may even be low. There are many questions and factors that will come in to play, so we will try and help you solve these. How long after pregnancy can you have sex? There are now hard and fast rules to this question, although many doctors will say not at least for the first six weeks. However, it…

Quick Tips

Quick Fatherhood Tips Speak to those who know Ask hospital staff, pediatricians and anyone who has had a baby before how to change a diaper, bath your baby and burp your baby. The more questions you ask, the more you will know how to do and the more you will be able to bond with your baby. Instincts Trust your instincts. Your natural instincts will tell you what to do and how to do it. You will probably even surprise yourself, at easily you will adapt to your new baby. Patience and Positiveness Rome wasn't built in a day. Be…

Fatherhood Juggle

Trying to juggle work, being and new father and family life can be a real handful and can often cause stress and strain for you and on your professional and family life. Here are a few pointers on juggling work and home life to maintain a good and healthy balance between the two. Make your decision You need to make decisions as to what is more important for you: your family or getting a promotion. Try approaching your boss and discuss with him the problem you are having. Try and see if you can come to a solution with him/her.…

Common Fatherhood Fears

One thing is for sure, you will probably never forget the time your partner tells you she is pregnant! Now you have to face up to the reality of impending fatherhood. Here are a few of the more common fears that impending dads may feel in the build up to fatherhood. My partner will turn into a crazy woman This is unfortunately true, but the good news is that she will return to normal, you will just have to wait 9 months. My partner will get fat and unattractive Yes and No. She will gain weight during her pregnancy as…

Common Concerns

Becoming a father for the first time can be a unbelievable experience, but it can also be a time of great stress and worry for a new father. You may begin to doubt your abilities as a father, are you doing the best you can, can I be a good father to my baby? Family finances and health can always lead to stress and worry. So here are a few typical factors that cause a father to worry, and how to deal with them. General Farther Worries Your partner has become unavailable to you. Either on an emotional, physical or…

Bonding With Baby

Mothers generally seem to bond better with the new born baby than what fathers can. It makes sense, mothers spend more time with their new born babies, they feed them, change diapers and often are the ones who will sit and rock them to sleep. It is up to the new father to make ways which allow them to bond with their newborn. Not Breastfeeding If your wife isn't breast feeding your baby, it would be a good idea to help with the feeding. When you are feeding a baby, they tend to bond with the person who is feeding…

Being A Better Father

Being available to your children on more than just the weekends is very important. They need to know that you will always be available to them, no matter what time. It also allows you to be more actively involved at all times and for all situations. Respect Respect for you partner is just as important as having respect for your children. Not only will this allow your relationship with your partner to flourish, but your children will pick up on this. A happy family is always a loving family. Communication Communication is the key to any family or relationship. This…