Fashion and Beauty

Surviving Summer & Pregnancy

In most cases during the hot and humid summer months you will spend your time wondering if your air conditioner is actually working - because no matter what you set the temperature at you just won’t seem to be able to cool down. One of the benefits of being pregnant during the summer months is that you will definitely get more fresh air - and this is a good thing. Tips for a healthy and cool summer If you do have chores or tasks you need to do outdoors - do them in the morning or evening when it is…

Summertime Pampering

Summertime Pregnancy Beauty Pampering With summer almost in full swing the next few months may become a very uncomfortable time, especially for those of you who are a little farther along. However, don’t worry, because help is at hand with some easy to do summer pregnancy pampering solutions. Trusty Brown Sugar Scrub Of course during the hot summer months you are going to be focusing on keeping cool, and this can often be very difficult during summer as it seems your body’s natural air condition is permanently broken. Why not try this fantastic blown sugar scrub to help keep you…

Summer Fashion

Summertime Maternity Fashion Trends Summer will be upon us before we know it, and so now during spring is the time the get your maternity wardrobe up to speed with the latest trends. No we all know that maternity clothing is expensive, but don't you worry. The Baby Center Store is having a huge sale, and you can find up to 70% off all maternity items. Check out the Baby Center Store Sale! Bermuda Shorts Shorts aren't just for the beach anymore. Celebrities have been wearing them on the red carpet with dressy tops and jackets as this season's new…

Skin Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when your body is going to undergo some major changes, and rather suddenly as well. One of the major changes you can expect is in the way your skin looks, and for some, feels as well. Some of the more common changes which you may experience include: Stretch Marks Around half of all pregnant women expereince stretch marks. Also known as striae gravidarum, stretch marks are scars that appear when the elastic fibers in the skin are damaged. Your susceptibility to stretch marks is largely controlled by genetics, so if your mother or sister have them,…

Pregnancy & Dressing With Style

Dressing With Style For Your Pregnancy So now that you are pregnant you are over the moon. But you may not be so thrilled about losing your figure over the course of your pregnancy and giving up the hip and fashionable clothes you can wear at the moment. Well, that does not necessarily mean that you have to wear a tent and with a few simple tricks, you can look glowingly pregnant and still look hip. Borrowing before you buy Maternity clothes can be expensive and if you think that you will only be wearing the items for a few…

Pamper Yourself

Discovering that you are pregnant will turn your life upside down, and while you focus on the new life which is developing in side your womb, you may also begin to realize that you needs are slowly starting to recede into nothingness. While some women may start to feel guilty about wanting to have their own feelings and needs met at this time, the good new is that you shouldn't! It is possibly one of the most documented facts that this is exactly the time when your every need, SHOULD be met. Did you know that studies show that having…

Pamper Treatments

Pregnancy Pampering With Homemade Spa Treatments Pregnancy is a special time. It’s a time when there are miracles which are growing and developing inside your body with every passing moment. It’s also a time of morning sickness, water retention, back aches and just about every other pain you would not want to wish on someone. This means that it is also a time when you should be able to pamper yourself as much as possible, and whenever possible. Now not everyone has a spa at their fingertips, although I am sure that most of you would love to, so we…

Maternity Clothing

Choosing The Right Maternity Clothing For the first three months of your pregnancy or so you will still probably be able to wear your regular work clothes without even feeling anywhere near being pregnant. However as you pregnancy progresses through your first trimester to the 13th or 14th week of your pregnancy that you may have to leave the top button undone on your skirts and pants. This itself is still easy enough to hide by leaving your shirts un-tucked. Another rather nifty little trick is to loop a rubber band through the buttonhole and then wrap it around the…

Make The Most Of Your Day

Making The Most Of Your Pregnancy Days Do you always feel as if you are running out of time during the day? You're running from work, to the store, to the doctor, and back again. The routine, even in your pregnancy, is not getting any easier. This can lead to other important issues which will effect us, such as added stress and pressured, and these are exactly what you do not need now! When we are pressed for time, we tend to exercise less, eat foods for their convenience rather than their nutritional value, have less time to interact with…

Look Your Best

I am sure that you have all heard about the glow of pregnancy, and besides the early months… and the last months, where you feel uncomfortable, aching, nauseous or tired, there are times when you really feel fantastic and that you have that ‘glow’. Besides all of the usual symptoms and side effects of pregnancy, some women have to deal with skin symptoms such as facial-skin discoloration or melasma, also known as the mask of pregnancy. Secrets to Looking Your Best Using creams that also exfoliate your skin can be a real help to ensuring that your skin is well…