Tilted Uterus

What Is A Tilted Uterus?
A normal uterus is one which is in a vertical position, but that doesn’t mean that a uterus will always be found in this position. There are cases when the uterus is tipped backwards or even towards the pelvis. This is known as a tilted uterus, although it can also be called a number of other terms such as:
  • Retroflexed uterus
  • Backward uterus
  • Retroverted uterus
  • Tilted womb
  • Uterine retroversion
  • Uterine retroflexion
  • Retroversion of the uterus
  • Symptomatic uterine retroversion
  • Symptomatic uterine retroflexion
  • Uterine retrodisplacement
  • Reflexion of the uterus
What Causes A Tilted Uterus?
A tilted uterus may be caused by a number of different reasons, such as
  • A uterus which has not moved into a forward position as a woman reaches maturity
  • Previous pregnancies and childbirths may tip the uterus either forward or backward. This can happen if the ligaments which hold the uterus in place are stretched or lose their tension as a result of a number of pregnancies
  • Pelvic or reproductive health issues, such as endometriosus, may cause the uterus to become tilted
  • Menopause is another contributing factor. As estrogen levels drop the ligaments which hold the uterus in place can become weak and cause the uterus to become tilted
What Are The Symptoms?
There are a number of different symptoms which have been associated with a tilted uterus. However, there are many cases where the women don’t experience any symptoms at all either. The primary symptoms include
  • Pain during sexual intercourse or dyspareunia
  • Pain during menstruation or dysmenorrhea
  • Minor incontinence
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Fertility problems
  • Difficulty using tampons
How Is A Tilted Uterus Treated?
In most cases your health care provider may recommend surgery to re position the tilted uterus. There are non surgical methods – and these include:
  • “Knee-chest”: An exercise that may help reposition a tipped uterus temporarily. However, this exercise will not be effective if the uterus has become tipped because of endometriosis, fibroid tumors, or pelvic infections
  • Pessary: A plastic or silicone device that is placed in the vagina to reposition a tipped uterus. It is generally considered a temporary solution for pelvic pain because long term use can lead to vaginal infections
However, the reality of this complication is that unless surgical measures are taken, exercises which may be recommended – such as the knee chest exercise – are just temporary solutions
Can a Tilted Uterus Prevent Pregnancy?
In most cases a tipped uterus is not considered to be the cause of infertility, although if all other possible complications have been ruled out, then a fertility specialist may recommend surgical procedures to rectify the position of the uterus The ability of the male sperm to reach your uterus has nothing to do with its position. Having a tilted uterus can be a normal anatomical variation, just like eye or hair color
Will a Tilted Uterus Affect My Pregnancy?
By the time you are in your 10-12 weeks of your pregnancy your uterus will no longer be tipped, and only in rare cases does the uterus not move into the middle position. If the uterus does not move into this position then it is possible for a miscarriage to occur, but it is rare that the uterus does not move into this position
Tilted Uterus

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