
All You Need To Know About Circumcision
Circumcision is a process which involves removing the foreskin, which protects the head of the penis. Around 60 percent of baby boys born in the United States are circumcised at birth. There are a number of reasons why parents choose to have their boys circumcised. It may be for health reasons or religious reasons for example.
Should you circumcise your son?
Well, this really is a decision which you and your family must make, and no one should tell you you must or must not. So we will give you al the facts about circumcision, and then you can make your own choice. There is some medical evidence which suggests that circumcision may lead to improved health. In the past, the American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy on circumcision has been that the potential medical benefits of circumcision outweighed most of the risks. However, as of 1999, the AAP now says that the choice is best left up to parents.
Pros and cons of circumcision?
In 1989 the AAP released results stating uncircumcised boys were found to be more likely to develop urinary tract infections. Circumcision does make it easier to keep the penis clean, although washing the area under the foreskin thoroughly achieves the same result. Other arguments in favor of circumcision include concerns that an uncircumcised child will be seen as different from his friends or will feel different from his father who may be circumcised. Arguments against circumcision include the fact that the procedure is not medically necessary. Some parents believe circumcision is a form of mutilation that’s painful and emotionally harmful to a child. Complications which come about as a result of having circumcision done are possible, even if they are rare. It is possibly not a good idea to subject premature and jaundice babies to this procedure straight after birth.
When should a circumcision be done?
Earlier is always better, but it is probably best to wait about twenty four hours after the birth to have it done. Care after circumcision If you choose to have your baby boy circumcised, then there are a few pointers you need to know to protect and care for your baby’s penis:
  • The penis should be gauzed
  • Use extra protection around the penis when putting a diaper on.
  • When you change your baby’s diaper, be sure to change the gauze pad and you may also want to use petroleum jelly or Neosporin.
You can expect to see some bleeding following the circumcision, and you may even notice that the penis tip is reddish or even to secrete a yellowy liquid for a few. If you notice any swelling or crusty, yellow sores containing cloudy liquid or if you think your baby may be having a problem urinating following the circumcision, then contact your doctor ASAP.

Please note: The information provided on this website is not intended to and do not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.