Pregnancy Symptoms

Breathlessness While Pregnant

Shortness of breath is not an uncommon symptom during pregnancy – although it is more often than not associated with later stages of pregnancy rather than early pregnancy – although it is not limited to this stage only. Mild breathlessness will not affect the amount of oxygen which your baby gets. Causes of Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy Breathlessness early on in your pregnancy is generally a result of increased levels of the hormone progesterone which will cause you to breathe more often. Progesterone increases your lung capacity allowing your blood to transport more oxygen. Breathlessness in the third trimester…

Bloating During Pregnancy

Fluid Retention & Bloating During Pregnancy Bloating and water retention are normal during pregnancy, so normal in fact that about 50% of all pregnant women experience it. It is usually at it’s worst during the third trimester, but can happen at any time. It is also usually worse during the summer months, especially if you live in a really hot and humid climate. Ways to fight bloating during pregnancy Water retention or ‘bloating’ is usually a result of rising hormone levels which cause you to retain more fluid than you would normally. Luckily there are a number of different ways…

Bleeding During Pregnancy

Bleeding And Spotting During Pregnancy While bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy may be a common pregnancy symptom, it will no doubt cause some concern to anyone who may be pregnant. There are a number of possible causes for this to being 'normal' - such as when your fertilized egg implants itself into the wall of your uterus - commonly referred to as implantation bleeding. This alone can cause a day or two of bleeding. Of course if you are still in the early stages of pregnancy you may experience some bleeding similar to what you may expect if you…

Announcing Your Pregnancy

Great Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy Announcing your pregnancy to the world can be both a wonderful and scary experience. Some people are ready to announce the pregnancy the second they see the positive sign on the pregnancy test. Others, maybe having experienced a loss before, may decide to wait a little while longer to make the big announcement. Some people may find it easy to tell everyone. Other people may find it hard to just come out and say the words "I'm pregnant!", especially if the news may not be received so well. Either way, it can be a…

Aches & Pains

Easing Pregnancy Aches & Pains Even with all the joys that come with your pregnancy, it can actually be a painful and uncomfortable time for some women. Let’s face it, your body will be going through hell over the next nine months, from back pains, headaches, sore feet, hormones and so much more. Possibly the worst of it all is that in most cases there is not much you can actually do about it. Or is there? Prenatal massage. Those two little words will possibly save you from feeling those common little aches and pains throughout your pregnancy. Is prenatal…

Prenatal Testing

Prenatal Tests During Pregnancy There are number of important pregnancy tests which may be conducted by your health care provider during your pregnancy. These tests will help to confirm that your baby is developing without any major complications, such as Down syndrome. These Pregnancy Tests may not always be carried out by your doctor, and your health care provider may request to have them completed, as these tests are usually reserved for those that their health care providers may feel to be in a high risk pregnancy, usually if you are experiencing pregnancy over 35 or have a history of troubled pregnancies. These tests…

hCG Levels

The level of the hormone human Chorionic Gandotropin, more commonly known as hCG is the hormone whos levels are usually what is tested for during a pregnancy test which you have done by your doctor. A high level of hCG indicates a positive pregnancy. In some cases the increased hCG level can be detected in your blood as early as 8 days after conception, but in most cases it is usually around 11 days. During the course of your pregnancy your hCG levels will increase and decrease, with the levels doubling on average every 30-31 hours until they peak, usually around…