Other Complications

Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are fairly common during pregnancy because of the high level of estrogen which causes your vagina to produce more glycogen, which only makes it much easier for the yeast to grow. It's not actually all that uncommon for you to have a certain amount of yeast which grows in the intestinal tract and in your vagina – but it's when the levels of yeast get to high and it overwhelms the other micro-organisms. What are the symptoms of a yeast infection? The common signs that you may have a yeast infection include: Itchiness, irritation, soreness, burning and redness…

Surviving Bedrest – Part 2

Bedrest Survival Tips And Ideas Before the boredom kills you and you go completely out of your mind from any extended stint on bedrest, there are many little handy tips which we have put together for you to help you survive. Plan your bedrest schedule I know that this sounds a little strange, but even if you are going to be staying in bed all day, follow a schedule. After you wake up, change into comfortable clothes and plan what to do for the day. Catch up while you can When your baby arrives you are not going to have…

Surviving Bedrest

There are several reasons which may cause your healthcare provider placing you on bedrest which may include: your medical history, including previous pregnancies, you may be experiencing symptoms, such as bleeding or contractions, that require you to go on bedrest. In most cases your friends and family would probably be jealous of your “little forced holiday” but don’t let them fool you – bedrest is not a holiday by any means! However, armed with our little pregnancy bedrest survival guide you will be better prepared and better equipped to make the most of what lies ahead. Does bedrest really help?…

Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Stretch marks, also known as striae distensae are often seen in varying degrees during pregnancy. They may only appear later on in your pregnancy, usually around your abdomen, breasts, hips and buttocks. After your pregnancy they may fade to be the same color as your skin, but in most cases they will not go way. If you wish to reduce the effects of stretch marks ensure that your weight gain throughout your pregnancy is steady, as any sudden large increase of weight will cause stretch marks to appear more readily. Some people may recommend that you use a steroid cream…


Chicken Pox During Pregnancy It is not uncommon that pregnant women come into contact with someone who has the chicken pox virus and this can be a great concern to them. Almost 90% of women who come into contact with the chicken pox virus are safe – this could either be because they have had chicken pox before, or because they have had immunizations as a young child. What can happen to my baby if I get chicken pox? In most cases if you get chicken pox during the course of your pregnancy your baby will be fine. What determines…

Bladder Infection

One of the most common complications during pregnancy is a bladder infection. An infection is often caused by the growing uterus sitting directly on top of your bladder and urethra - which are tubes which lead from your kidneys to your bladder - this blocks the flow of urine. Because this is such a common issue, your healthcare provider will test regularly for a bladder infection during your pregnancy. Symptoms of a bladder infection Having a bladder infection may cause you to urinate even more frequently during your pregnancy than you may normally. A severe urinary tract infection may even…

smoking pregnancy

Smoking while pregnant is probably one of the most common causes of abnormalities in babies, such as: premature birth, babies born too small and babies who die before they are born at all. Why is it so dangerous to smoke during pregnancy? Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemicals, including cyanide and lead, and at least 60 different cancer-causing compounds. When you smoke during pregnancy, that toxic concoction gets into your bloodstream which is also your baby's only source of oxygen and nutrients. Two of those chemicals found in cigarettes are especially dangerous: nicotine and carbon monoxide, and it…