Does bedrest really help?
Before we get into how to go about surviving your bedrest, let’s take a look at just how it helps and why it is so commonly recommended by healthcare providers. The most common pregnancy complications which lead to bedrest are:- Conditions related to high blood – Hypotension and Hypertension
- Vaginal bleeding
- Preterm Labor
What you can and can’t do while on bedrest
There are different kinds of bedrest which your healthcare provider may recommend, which will depend on the symptoms you are showing and how severe they are. Along with the type of bedrest you are given will be a direct link as to what activities you can or can’t carry out. For example, it may be recommend that a modified bedrest or “house arrest,” which would allow you to stay on the couch, in a sitting position or in bed, but would restrict you from sexual intercourse, exercise or lifting. In some cases you may be asked to remain in bed and only be allowed to sit for meals or to stand for a quick shower. Of course there is then the most extreme form of bedrest which would require you to stay in the hospital because the symptoms require constant monitoring and attention. If you have been given bedrest it is important that you ask your doctor some questions:- Can I get up to use the bathroom?
- Can I get up to prepare quick meals or to do light chores?
- Can I take a bath or shower?
- What position should I be in while I’m resting?
- Can I go to work or work from home?
- Is driving OK?
- How much walking is safe?
- How much and what kind of sexual activity is OK?
- What activities can I do to increase blood circulation safely?
Surviving Bedrest