Common Complications

Sensitive and Bleeding Gums

Over the course of your pregnancy your body is going to experience a flood of hormone level changes, and this is going to affect you more than you may realize. One of the most common ways this may affect you during your pregnancy is bleeding or sensitive gums. This is caused by higher than normal progesterone levels and the result is that your gums will react more than they would usually to the bacteria found in plaque. There is also an increase in your blood volume during your pregnancy and this may mean that you may experience bleeding gums when…

Round Ligament Pain

One of the most common pains during pregnancy is round ligament pain – and this is usually most common during the second trimester. Round ligament pain is considered a normal part of pregnancy as your body goes through many different changes and adjustments to your growing baby. This is usually experienced as a sharp pain in the stomach, hip and genital area and can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. What Causes Round Ligament Pain? The round ligament supports the uterus and stretches during pregnancy. It connects the front portion of the uterus to the groin. These ligaments contract and relax…

Intrauterine Growth

What Is Intrauterine Growth Restriction? Intrauterine-Growth Restriction indicates that a fetus is small for it's gestational age, which by definition, it's birth weight is below the 10th percentile for it's gestational age. If the gestational age is correct, i.e., the pregnancy is as far along as expected and the weight falls below the 10th percentile, then there is reason for concern, as babies which suffer from Intrauterine-Growth Restriction have a higher death and injury rate than those who are within the 10th percentile. Causes of Intrauterine-Growth Restrictions Here are some conditions which may increase the chances of Intrauterine-Growth Restriction: Smoking…

Hypertension & Pregnancy

Pregnancy induced hypertension only occurs during pregnancy. There is no real understanding as to why some women develop this during the course of their pregnancy. What are the symptoms of Pregnancy induced Hypertension? Rising blood pressure Protein in the urine Swelling of the hands, feet and face Rapid weight gain (4 to 5 pounds in one week) Headaches Dizziness Nausea and vomiting Blurred, double vision or seeing spots in front of the eyes Excessive drowsiness Pain in the upper abdomen Decrease in urination How is Induced Hypertension treated? Treatment for pregnancy induced hypertension depends on a number of different factors,…

Heartburn & Pregnancy

Heartburn during pregnancy is actually very common - more than one-half of all pregnant women report symptoms of severe heartburn, particularly during their second and third trimesters of their pregnancy. What causes Heartburn? Heartburn occurs when the valve between the stomach and the food pipe (esophagus) are unable to prevent the stomach acids from passing back into the esophagus. During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone. Progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus, but it also has the effect of relaxing the valve which separates the esophagus from the stomach and so, because this valve is not working…

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes which some women may develop during pregnancy. Almost 2-7% of all expecting mothers will develop gestational diabetes and this makes it one of the most common pregnancy complications In a nut shell, gestational diabetes occurs when your digestive system breaks down most of your food into a type of sugar called glucose. The glucose enters your bloodstream and then insulin, which is a hormone produced by your pancreas, provides fuel for the cells of your body. Gestational diabetes causes the glucose to stay in your blood instead of moving into your cells and…


Diabetes in pregnancy is not as big a problem as it used to be a few years ago, but it continues to be a common pregnancy complication that many women suffer from. With proper medical care combined with a nutritious and healthy diet, many women are successfully going throughout their pregnancy while being diabetic. Diabetes is a condition when you have a lack of insulin, which is important for breaking down sugar and transporting it to the cells in your blood. Symptoms and Signs of Diabetes Pregnancy is well know for it's tendency to reveal women who may be susceptible…

Bighted Ovum

Although the term "blighted ovum", also known as a “anembryonic pregnancy” may not be as commonly known, it occurs much more frequently than most people realize. A blighted ovum occurs when the placenta develops but no fetus is visible on ultrasound. In most cases the pregnancy would end in a miscarriage. How do I know if I have or have had a blighted ovum? In most cases a blighted ovum occurs very early in pregnancy – before most women even realize they are pregnant. As with a normal pregnancy you may even begin to experience the early pregnancy signs and…

Asthma and Pregnancy

If you are one of the many women that suffer from asthma, you may be concerned about how this ailment of yours will affect your unborn child. The good news is, it doesn't have to be a problem. With the varying types of treatment nowadays that are available for asthma control, an expectant mom can effectively control any type of problems that may occur during pregnancy. That said, if you do suffer from asthma and you are not controlling it with any type of treatment, it very well can have an effect on your baby. Since asthma effects the lung…

Anemia & Pregnancy

Anemia During Pregnancy Anemia is an extremely common pregnancy complication and if you are suffering from anemia it is important that it is diagnosed early on during your pregnancy. During pregnancy there is a fine line between production of blood cells which carry oxygen to your baby and the rest of your body and the destruction of these cells. Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells are low, meaning that the cells which carry oxygen to your baby and yourself is low. During your pregnancy the number of these red blood cells should increase, as…