Baby Development: 3 Months Old

Baby Development Milestones Month 3 At a Glance
Week 9 Read Full Article
- May Sleep through the night
- Can hold object
- Body tone improves
- Walking reflex disappears
- Coordinates eye movements in a circle when watching light or an object
- Sucks at the sight of breast
- Recognizes breast, or bottle, and squirms in anticipation
- Smiles easily and spontaneously
- Begins to enjoy taking a bath
- May laugh or chuckle
Week 10 Read Full Article
- Holds chest and head up for a short time when lying on stomach
- May move arms and legs together at the same time.
- Brings own body up compactly when picked up
- Grasping reflexes disappear
- May bring own hands together
- Follows slowly moving object with eyes and head, from side to side
- Explores own face, eyes and mouth with hand
- Stops sucking to listen
- Gurgles and coos in response to sounds
- Crying decreases
Week 11 Read Full Article
- Leans on elbows while on stomach
- Turns head and neck to find source of sound
- May hold and wave toy
- Begins to show memory
- Reacts differently yo each parents presence
Week 12 Read Full Article
- Holds head at 90 degree angle when on stomach
- Facial expressions increase
- vocalization increases
- Distinguishes speech from other sounds
- Begins to recognize and to differentiate among family members.
Month 3