Baby Week8

Your Baby Development: 8 Weeks Old
How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 101/4 pounds and measuring 213/4 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. Your baby is already storing memories, which enables him/her to associate certain events with certain consequences. He/She will begin to anticipate certain events when given a clue, for example, he/she may get excited when he/she sees a bottle because he/she associates it with being fed. His/Her physical abilities are increasing nicely now. He/She can lift his/her head up 45 degrees when he/she is hungry, and when in a sitting position, he/she can hold his/her head up most of the time. Baby can now even focus on objects 10 feet away, and he/she will follow you when you move away. Bright colors are still favorites, and he/she may turn his/her head in the direction of a voice or sound which interests him/her. Now that baby has discovered his/her hands, he/she may examine them closely, and he/she may bring them close to his/her face. If he/she puts something in his/her mouth he/she will suck on it and his/her fingers. Baby is learning that the fingers are part of him/her, and the object isn’t.
Baby Development Milestones This Week
Physical Development
  • Head remains fairly erect when baby is in the sitting position, but still a little wobbly
  • Cycles arms and legs smoothly
Mental & Social Development
  • Can discriminate among voices, people, tastes and size of objects
  • Picks out mothers voice in a group
  • Repeats actions for own sake
  • Watches a person alertly and directly
Traveling With Baby Now that baby is getting a little bigger, you may be planning to take him/her out on trips, such as to grandpa’s house or other relatives. Going out now is not like it used to be. Before you could just jump in the car and off you went. Now you have to plan for your baby too. You need to think in advance what you might need, you may never use it, but trust me, it is better to have it just in case than to suddenly realize you need it, and it is lying on the changing table at home! Diaper Bag Essentials
  • Two changes of baby clothes
  • 8-10 disposable diapers
  • A few cloth diaper to use as bibs or burp cloths
  • One resealable plastic bag containing a damp washcloth
  • Baby Wipes
  • Something for baby to eat, already prepared such as mixed formula
  • A couple of plastic bags for soiled things
  • 2-3 bottles and additional nipples
  • Toys for baby
  • Pacifiers
  • An object which comforts baby
  • A mothers first aid kit, which includes infant pain reliever, bulb syringe, diaper cream, decongestant or antihistamine, ear drops and any prescription medicines which baby may be taking.
SIDS | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome In the United States SIDS strikes about 3,000 babies a year, and most often it occurs in children under 1 year old. There are few warning signs, and it’s cause is unknown. Sleep Position is Important A few years ago the American Academy of Pediatrics began to advise parents to place their baby on his/her back or side when sleeping. This was based on foreign studies which showed that babies which slept on their stomach were at higher risk of SIDS, and since this sleep position has been used some researchers have claimed as a high a drop in SIDS as 50%! Keep The Crib Clutter Free Recently parents have been advised to keep baby’s crib clutter free, as there has been concern that additional items in the crib may also lead to SIDS. Other Recommendations include:
  • Don’t smoke around baby
  • Keep baby off of soft surfaces, such as couches and water beds
  • Breastfeed your baby
  • Don’t keep your house or baby’s room too warm
  • If baby sleeps in the bed with you, keep him/her near, but not too near
Baby’s 2 month checkup
ead Check He will examine the fontanel to see how it is closing, and he will measure baby’s head and record it on his/her growth chart. Eye Check he will examine to see how his/her pupils dilate. He will also check for any vision problems and eye movement by moving a light in his/her visual field. Mouth Check An examination of his/her mouth will reveal any problems, such as infections. He will also check for any signs of teething. Nose Check Looking into baby’s nostrils will reveal signs of infections, as well as examining the nasal passages for any signs of abnormal development which could interfere with breathing. Ear Check You pediatrician may do some tests to check baby’s hearing and he will check for any signs of a possible ear infection. Abdominal Check Feeling baby’s abdominal area may reveal any abnormal growths or enlarged organs. He may ask you questions about feeding routines, bowel habits etc.
Chest Check Examining Baby’s heart and lungs is important. He will check for abnormal sounds or rhythms. He will also examine baby’s lungs to listen for any signs of infection or breathing difficulties. Legs Hips and Feet Check He will rotate baby’s legs to check for any signs of a dislocated hip, and he will examine the legs and feet for proper development. Genital Check Your pediatrician will check baby’s genitals for any signs of unusual symptoms or infections. With a baby boy he will check that the circumcised penis has healed properly, and he will also check the testicles. Baby’s Development Check Your doctor will ask about your baby’s development, and will cover physical, mental and emotional development. Your observations are an important part of this assessment. Diet and Sleep Check Your pediatrician will ask questions about how your baby is sleeping and eating.
Toys and Play Your baby continues to learn from playing with toys which appeal to his/her developing senses. Bright colors, bold patterns, interesting textures and fun sounds will make him/her smile as they help him/her to learn. Quite Time At this stage your baby will need some quite time as well as play time. Signs such as wrinkling his/her face, staring vacantly, yawning, crying or squirming are signs that he/she is getting tired of playing, and could usually use a little quite time. Encourage “Push-ups” As his/her neck muscles get stronger your baby may start doing mini push-ups, which is to raise his/her chest off the surface on which he/she is lying. This helps to develop and strengthen neck and arm muscles. Quick Tips For This Week
Playing not only helps to develop family bonds, but it also helps your baby develop mentally and physically.
Baby Week8

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