General Baby Articles

Your Baby’s Tests

The First Tests Your Baby Will Have, and What To expect There a some tests which will be run on your baby when he is born in order to ensure that your baby is healthy and that there are no complications: Apgar Score This test is used to overall condition immediately after birth. The Apgar score is used to determine the baby's current health following the delivery, but it is not used to predict future health. This test is usually done between 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth, a score of 1,1 or 2 is possible in 5 areas:…

What Is Colic?

What Is Colic, And Can It Be Treated? Colic is the term given to babies who cry for extended periods of time for no apparent reason. It is not a disease or illness and it occurs in babies who have been determined to be otherwise healthy. Colic usually begins around the time the baby is 2-3 weeks old and can last for several months. It will usually start out with shorter periods of crying and then peak to long amounts of crying before it starts to taper off and go away. The bouts of crying usually happen around the same…

Tummy Time Tactics

Tummy Time Tactic So what is this "tummy time" that everyone is always talking about? Quite simply, it is an important part of a babies development and a special time that a baby needs to spend laying on their tummies. It helps build neck and upper back muscles, enabling them to be able to "push up" and eventually, crawl and move onto other physical milestones. Since doctors nowadays advise to place baby's on their backs to sleep, tummy time has become even more important. A lot of babies spend time on their backs not only sleeping, but while riding in…

The First 48 Hours

What Can You Expect In Your Baby's First 48 Hours Your baby has just undergone one of the most difficult battles he or she may face in a long time to come. Being born is not easy, and it may even be traumatic. In any case, it is always wonderful to meet him or her. What Does A New Born Baby Look Like? Most parents will want to examin their new baby from head to foot. What does he/she look like? Does he/she have 10 fingers and toes? What color hair? etc. If your baby is of average size he…

Speech Development Milestones

Have you ever wondered if what your child is saying is developmentally “normal” for his/her age? As parents, we are always concerned with how our child is progressing and it’s hard not to compare them with other children their same age. Just like physical development, the emergence of language is no different. Children will vary greatly in language skills, some learning language very quickly and others taking their time to start talking. Although their skills will vary, there are some important language milestones that you should be aware of to make sure your child is progressing as they should be.…

Paediatrician Q&A

As you approach the end of your pregnancy you may want to start looking around for a paediatrician if you don’t already have one. We have some of the top questions you will want to ask a potential paediatrician. It may be a good idea to setup an "interview" with a potential paediatrician. You may want to book an appointment 3-4 weeks before your due date. When you book your appointment be sure to tell the receptionist that you are expecting a baby and are interviewing potential pediatricians. What is your philosophy about child rearing? You may want to include…

Fun Games For Baby

So you've waited nine long months to finally meet your precious little bundle. Now that you have your baby home, what do you do? Babies spend many hours sleeping, but how do you fill the time while your baby is alert? Yes, you like most parents have a million chores to do, but you need to set some time aside to spend good, quality time with your new baby. Not only is quality interaction with others good for the baby's social, emotional and cognitive development, it's a good time for busy parents to sit down, relax and have some good…

First Baby Foods

Now that your baby has reached the age of 4-6 months, he or she might be ready for his/her first taste of food other than breast milk or formula. There are usually a few clues you can look for that help you determine whether your baby is ready or not. Signs Baby Is Ready For Solids His/her birth weight has doubled He/she can sit up with support (such as in a high chair) He/she is showing interest in what others are eating (trying to rip that hamburger right out of your hands) His/her extrusion reflux is disappearing. This is the…

Make Your Own Baby Food

Have you been considering making your own baby food? A lot of people are under the assumption that making baby food is a very time consuming and difficult chore. With the right equipment and a little bit of time, it really isn't as much work as you might think. Benefits Of Making Your Own Baby Food The benefits of making your own baby food, far outweigh any extra work that it may create for you. You will know exactly what is going into your baby's food You will know where the food is coming from and how carefully it has…

Finding A Paediatrician

You may want to find a pediatrician who is going to care for your baby before your baby is born. This may be a good idea, as it will allow you to get to know them first and discover if you feel comfortable with them. If you don't have, or know of a pediatrician, then you can ask your friends and family for advice or a referral. How to get a referral Ask your OB/GYN for a reference Ask your family, friends or co-workers Call your local medical society Check with your insurance provider if they have a list of…