Common Discomforts

Sciatic Pain

Sciatic Nerve Pain During Pregnancy The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and is responsible for providing sensory and motor function to the lower parts of the body. When the nerve is compressed, or pressure is placed on it – usually because of your growing uterus in your body, or the way your baby is lying you will feel a pain down the back of the thigh, lower part of the leg and the sole of the foot. What Does it feel like? Typically the symptoms of sciatica in pregnancy include the following: Pins and needles in…

Heating Pads During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is full of many questions and concerns about what is safe or not safe to do or use during those long nine months. One of those things that you may have wondered about concerns the use of heating pads while pregnant. If used correctly, heating pads can be safe to use during pregnancy. The main problem with heat when it comes to the baby has to do with your body's core temperature. Since a baby cannot sweat like we can, it has no way to regulate it's own body temperature inside the womb. Such things as fevers, soaking in…

3rd Trimester Discomforts

The Third Trimester : Getting Ready For Birth During the last trimester of your pregnancy your uterus will expand more than you thought it possibly could. The pressure on your bladder and rectum will return, but now you will also have to deal with pressure on your lungs, making it difficult to breath. Some other discomforts may include: Swelling Feet and Ankles This is especially common during the hotter months, although most women will suffer from this during their pregnancy. As your pregnancy nears the last few weeks it is a good idea to try and stay off your feet…

2nd Trimester Discomforts

Smoother sailing with the second trimester Many of the early discomforts of pregnancy, especially the dreaded morning sickness, will begin to fade away during the second trimester. For most pregnant women, this is the best few months of their pregnancy and they certainly enjoy these months more than any other! However, your body will continue to change and adapt as your baby grows and as pleasant as these months may seem, there may be some new aches and pains which may develop. Leg Cramps These, strangely enough, often come about at night. Generally the quickest remedy for them is to…

1st Trimester Discomforts

Common Pregnancy Discomforts During The 1st Trimester Each and every pregnancy is different and that also means that the symptoms, pains and discomforts you will feel may be different for each of your pregnancies. You may also experience some of these pregnancy symptoms to varying degrees during the course of your pregnancy. So, we have decided to take a look at the more common pregnancy pains and discomforts you may feel during each of the pregnancy trimesters. The First Trimester : Tell-Tale Signs Before the rest of the world can see that you are even pregnant your body will already…