How big is your baby?
The crown to rump length of your baby now measures around 0.08-016 inches, whichis 2-4mm. The crown to rump is the distance from the top your baby’s head to it’srump.
Your baby’s development
Your babys heart should start beating this week and with the proper equipment,such as an ultrasound,you may be able to see your baby’s heart beating. Initial circulation starts offin the mesoderm, yolk sac and the linning of the placenta. By the middle of this week the aorta will have started to formin your babys heart.
Another major development this week is that your baby’s eyes will also begin toform as well as the surface layer of skin. This should compete development overthe course of this month.

During this week your baby’s head and brain will also undergo some rapid development.There are a few things which you can do to this development:
- Ensure that your are getting Omega 3 in your diet as this plays an important part in helping brain development.
- Ensure you are taking in folic acid in your diet, whichyou can get from eating green leafy vegetables and walnuts as example sources.
- If you are still smoking, stop!
- Limit your caffeine intake.
Another awesome development which is taking place is that your baby’s tongue andnasal pits would have started to form, as well as “flippers” – these willlater develop into your babys arms.
Did you know that leg development always lags slightly to arm development untilthe third year of your baby’s life?
Your development
You may have only recently confirmed your pregnancy, or you may be suspectingthat there is something not quite right. If you have not booked in with your healthcare provider to confirm your pregnancy, then now is the time when you should bedoing so.
You should be taking care of yourself, especially now during these early stages, as every women fears having a miscarriageduring the first trimester of pregnancy.
This is a critical time in your baby’sorgan development so you should be doing everything in your power to avoid alcohol,drugs and treatments that you don’t really need. You will want to avoid ingestingany substances which may harm you or your baby over the course of your pregnancy.
Your nutrition
As always your nutrition is vital to the health and development of your baby. Anythingyou take into your body will be absorbed by your baby to be used to help him/herdevelop. Some of what you should be eating at this stage of your pregnancy include:
Breads, Cereal, pasta, rice
Meat and other protein sources
Dairy products
Fats, sweets & other ’empty’ calorie foods |
6 servings per day
3-4 servings per day
4 servings per day
2-3 servings per day
3-4 servings per day
2-3 servings per day |
Your first doctor visit
What can you expect from your first visit to your healthcare provider as a pregnantwoman:
This Week with Dr Miriam Stoppard
- You may discuss your medical history, which may include birth control methods andyour menstrual cycle.
Miscarriage or abortion history.
- Medication which you may be currently on or recently have taken.
- Physical exam, which should include a pap smear and pelvic exam.
- You may also have some laboratory tests done, or they may be done at a later visit.You can read more about some of the possible tests you can expect to have carriedout in the pregnancytests section.