How big is your baby?
Your baby will be weighing in at around 3.31 pounds (1.502kg) and measuring 16.18inches (41.1cm).
How big are you?
Your uterus now sits about 4.33 inches (11 cm) above your bellybutton and about12.20 inches (31cm) above your pubic symphysis. Your weight gain should be at around20.94-26.78 pounds (9.45-12.15kg) already.
The weight which you are gaining may also be making you feel a little clumsy andharder for you to do the everyday things you could easily do before.
By this stage of your pregnancy your uterus will fill a large part of your stomachand you may start to feel the pressure from your uterus under your ribs. You mayalso start to experience back ache on a more regular basis now that your baby andstomach are placing more strain on your lower back.
How is your baby developing and growing
Should you go into labor and your baby is born today he/she will be able to:
Remember and learn
Your baby’s growth and weight may begin to slow down a little now, but althoughthis is slowing down the internal organs will continue to grow and develop. Forthis reason it is important that you maintain a healthy eating plan and ensure thatyou are meeting the requirements of calcium, protein,iron and folic acidespecially.
You will want to especially pay attention to your calcium intake as this is especiallyimportant from now until your pregnancy is complete. This is because over the remainingweeks of your pregnancy ossification is taking place and the calcium will be requiredto help your babys skeleton develop efficiently.
Pregnancy and Sleep
At this late stage of your pregnancy and with your stomach being the size it is,you may find yourself spending many hours awake at night as you battle to find acomfortable position for you to sleep in. Finding a comfortable sleeping position while pregnant can be extremely difficult.
Here are a few quick pointers to help you sleep:
Go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday.
Don’t drink too much fluid at night, or you will be up for toilet breaks all night.
Avoid any caffeine from the afternoon onwards.
Exercise on a regular basis.
Sleep in a cool bedroom, around 70F (deg C).
If you do experience heartburn at night, try sleeping propped up.
Visit our Media Center for pictures of your growing baby
Tell Us About Your Baby
Remember that you can tell us about your baby and you can receive a week by weekupdate as to how your baby is growing and developing post pregnancy. This includesinformation and articles on:
This Week with Dr Miriam Stoppard
Baby development & milestones
Nutritional requirements & feeding
Sleeping patterns
Caring for and teaching your baby
And so much more
To give us your information about baby, click here.
Pregnancy Week 31
Please note: The information provided on this website is not intended to and do not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.