How To Deal With Being Overdue

- Monitoring the foetal heart rate
- Using a cardiotocograph machine
- Performing ultrasounds
Can you prompt labor?
There are some “theories” about how you can induce labor. Some have some scientific backing, and some are, well, perhaps a little strange:- Sweeping membranes. Your doctor or midwife may gently separate the membranes from the uterus opening.
- Sexual activity. A woman’s orgasm will cause oxytocin, which is a hormone which causes the uterus to contract, to be released. Of course semen also contains prostaglandins, which can help soften the cervix.
- Acupuncture or acupressure
- Homeopathic remedies
- Herbal preparations
- Walking
- Good hot bowl of curry
What about being induced?
Should your doctor feel that it is in the baby’s best interest he may choose to induce you. There are three main methods to induce labor:- Breaking the waters In order to break your waters, your cervix does need to be open a couple of centimeters. Your waters are usually broken with an instrument which is shaped like a crochet hook. Breaking your waters may simply be enough to start labor, but there are times when Syntocinon intravenous infusion is also required.
- Prostaglandin gel Prostaglandin gel is used to soften and help ripen the cervix. It is usually placed at the back of the vagina. This, however, does have some possible side effects, such as a temperature, diarrhea, fetal distress and hemorrhage.
- Syntocinon This involves an intravenous drip containing the drug Syntocinon, which is a synthetic hormone that makes the uterus contract and is a reliable method for starting labor. There are side effects though, such as failing to progress, which can lead to the need for a c-section or a distressed baby.
Surviving being overdue
Our top 8 tips for surviving being overdue. These are methods more to keep your sanity rather than methods to bring on labor.- Finish off the finer preperations for baby
- Catch up on much needed rest
- Try relaxion or meditation
- Stock up the fridge and freezer with ready made meals
- Try go out to keep your mind off being overdue (but not too far from home)
- Spoil yourself – have a pedicure or manicure (there wont be any time for that when baby is here)
- Ask friends and relatives not to phone you every day to check if you have gone into labor yet
- Visit a friend who lives nearby and catch up on all the gossip