Pregnancy Symptoms

What They Dont Tell You About Pregnancy

What it feels like to have your ribs used as footrests...from the inside. That sometimes it appears like you have a strange alien creature with 10 arms and legs about to burst out your belly button...ewww!! That you will probably want to go out and buy a box of adult diapers for the amount of times you end up peeing in your underwear while coughing, sneezing, laughing or throwing up. That by the end of your pregnancy, you will need a forklift to help get you off the couch or bed (or at least one really strong person). That even…

Symptoms Of A Twin Pregnancy

Pregnancy Symptoms Which May Indicate Twins How do you know that you are having twins before you see a scan with two hearts? Surely there must be a way to tell? Because each pregnancy is different it is near impossible to tell by the early pregnancy symptoms which you experience that may indicate that you are having twins - but there are some common symptoms which most women who are pregnant with twins experience on a regular basis. Remember, that this is not an exact science, and this is purely an indication as to why you may be experiencing what…

Pregnancy Over 35

Pregnancy After 35 - What Are The Risks? In today's world more and more women are choosing a career before starting a family. This means that the number of pregnancies in woman over 35 years of age has increased over the past years. There are two major concerns for women who are pregnant over the age of 35; how will the pregnancy affect her and how will her age affect her pregnancy. There is an increase in the chance of complications during pregnancy in women who are older than 35. The possible complications which you would possibly face include: Baby…

Nasal Congestion

Dealing With Nasal Congestion During Pregnancy Nasal congestion is a common symptom of being pregnant. It’s not really a complication because it so common and because it is caused as a direct result of the hormones present in your system while you are pregnant, specifically estrogen. Nasal congestion – also known as rhinitis of pregnancy - will affect between 20 and 30 percent of all pregnant women. It can start as early as your 8th week and may even last until you have given birth to your baby. The increased level of estrogen during pregnancy contributes to swelling in the…

Morning Sickness

Surviving The Dreaded Morning Sickness Morning sickness is one of the more unpleasant pregnancy symptoms which you may experience during your pregnancy. In fact morning sickness affects nearly 70% of all pregnant women around the world! Contrary to what many people believe, this symptom doesn't only occur in the morning. It may occur at any time of the day, morning, noon or night but is usually at it's worst during the morning and improves as the day progresses. One good thing about morning sickness is that it doesn't last all that long, and usually begins to ease off from about…


What Is Melasma? Pregnancy is all about change, some changes are good, some are permanent and then some will only affect you over the course of your pregnancy. The 'mask of pregnancy' is one of these changes which will only affect you during the course of your pregnancy. Now, you may be asking yourself what on earth is the 'mask of pregnancy'? No, that is not the medical name for it either; it is known as Melasma. What exactly is Melasma? Melasma is an increase in the pigmentation of the skin and this is something that many pregnant women will…

Insomnia During Pregnancy

Whether you are pregnant or not, insomnia is not good for you and can have all sorts of repercussions. Having a good nights sleep during pregnancy is difficult enough, so if you are troubled with insomnia it needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Early Insomnia Insomnia during the first trimester of pregnancy is usually quite common and is usually as a result of the hormonal changes. One of the main causes of insomnia is a result of the progesterone which is released. Progesterone is a natural sedative, which leads to women feeling tired and often fall asleep at…

Home Pregnancy Test

Home Pregnancy Test: How Soon Can You Take It? How soon can you take a home pregnancy test? This must be one of the most common questions about pregnancy tests. The quick answer is 7-10 days after your missed period. How Do Pregnancy Tests Work 9 Days after fertilization has taken place, the egg will start to move down the fallopian tube into the uterus where implantation will take place. When the fertilized egg implants itself the placenta starts to develop and this triggers the release hCG into the woman's blood. Some of this hCG will also pass through into…

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids occur when the blood vessels around the rectal area become unusually swollen. They can range in size from the size of a raisin to the size of a grape. They can be feel itchy or sometimes they can be extremely and in severe cases can lead to rectal bleeding – especially during a bowel movement. Hemorrhoids are fairly common during pregnancy and generally if you have had haemorrhoids in previous pregnancies then there is a good chance that you will get them in subsequent pregnancies. It is also not uncommon for them to develop during the second stage of…

Headaches During Pregnancy

It is common to experience headaches especially during the first trimester of your pregnancy. Unfortunately if you have been prone to having tension headaches prior to your pregnancy it will not get any better during the next few months. No one is really sure why being pregnant will increase your chances of having headaches, although it is a good guess that the changes your body experiences due to the influx of hormones plays a large factor. The chances of having headaches could also be increased by: Going cold turkey on caffeine Lack of sleep or general fatigue Sinus congestion Allergies…