Month 10

Baby Week40

Your Baby Development: 40 Weeks Old How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 201/2 pounds and measuring 283/4 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. At this stage your baby would have gained a much better control over his/her legs and feet now. He/She is probably cruising, (using the furniture or other objects for support and balance), around the furniture with confidence, and may even be able to stand for a brief period without support. He/She may even be confident enough to squat and pick up an object. It is easier at…

Baby Week39

Your Baby Development: 39 Weeks Old How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 20 pounds and measuring 281/2 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. Your baby may be making sounds that have the tones of language, and some babies of this age are able to speak short words, such as "hi", "bye", "mama" or "dada". He/She may be able to imitate a few animal sounds as well. Your baby will be willing to cooperate and learn about things, as long as he/she is interested in them already. You will notice that…

Baby Week38

Your Baby Development: 38 Weeks Old How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 193/4 pounds and measuring 281/2 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. Your baby will be loving his/her new found freedom, but as a loving and caring parent you will have to impose certain restrictions on that freedom. When necessary, block off areas you don't want baby to explore, especially medicine cabinets. By setting these limits you help baby to understand that he/she can't always have what he/she wants, and that is a fact of life which we all…

Baby Week37

Your Baby Development: 37 Weeks Old How big is your baby? This week your baby will be weighing around 191/4 pounds and measuring 281/4 inches if he/she was of average size at birth. Your baby may develop new fears at this stage, and may even show fear in things which never bothered him/her before, such as taking a bath or visiting a new place. Don't be alarmed by this, as it is natural. Your baby is becoming aware of his/her surroundings and showing a concern for his/her own well being. One way to help him/her to get over this is…